Karos amigos,
Chers amis, dear Friends
Aki esta, la pelikula
Voici le film
The Secret of Don Quixote
Dominique AUBIER
En castellano con subtitulo ingles.
Spanish - with English option
En castillan, option de sous-titrage en anglais
Meilleur documentaire au festival international Las Duñas, îles Canaries.
Best documentary at film festival Las Duñas, Canaries Islands, Spain.
Las claves ocultas y el secreto kabalistiko que esconde la novela Cervantina,
Primer premio en la categoria de mejor documental en el festival de cine Las Duñas en Fuerteventura.
In 1605, the first part of Don Quixote — the most famous book in Spanish literature, and the most translated and read in the world together with the Bible—was published.
Cervantes himself declared he did not write it but read a translation…
This might be the secret of its success, since Don Quixote might be a manuscript that was mysteriously discovered in Toledo, written in Arabic and maybe in... „another language“
which is obviously… Hebrew!
Researcher Dominique Aubier, who has been studying Don Quixote for fifty years, deciphers the secret code which had been hidden for 400 years.
La pelicula esta inspirada por el libro
Don Quijote, Profeta y cabalista.
En Amazon : aqui

Ce livre est la traduction de Don Quichotte, Prophète d'Israël

El Secreto de Don Quijote