The movie " The Life of Pi ", realized by Ang Lee (from the book of Yann Martel)
tell the story of a young man embarked on a small boat being called TsimTsoum.
In his boat together with a tiger … The epic is beautiful but explains nothing of the concepts that we see appearing. The word of TsimTsoum appears on the small ship navigating on the ocean.
So appears the tiger. But what are these allegorical elements ?
What is TsimTsoum?
What is the Tiger?
We must not forget that the author, Yann Martel is born in Salamanca, a capital city of the spanish kabalah…
Does he say what is TsimTsoum ?
The animal symbolise the living elements on earth created.
The tiger represents symbolically the energy coming to live in the structure (the boat).
As for Tsim Tsoum … The kabbalist Dominique Aubier widely presented this kabbalistic concept in several of her books and movies.
First of all, Dominique Aubier specifies that this concept comes from the Kabbalah and was worked out by Isaac Louriah. It is indeed indispensable to quote the author who finalized this concept.
Then, it is necessary to correct the phonetic transcription. Indeed, the phonetic transcription TsimTsoum is false, because there is no "i" (youd or aleph) in the original Hebrew word "Tsm". This word has been invented by Isaac Louriah to represent the concept and precess of Creation.
It is an essential element of the explanation. To introduce "i" between the "s" and the "m" is an «ease of pronunciation» but does not correspond to the original writing. The sense of this concept lies in 100 % in its coding in Hebraic letters.
To know the meaning of Tsim Tsoum and to know more about it, read the book "The 23rd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet ", by Dominique Aubier. And her masterwork : « The Hidden Face of the Brain » (published in English).
" TsimTsoum (thus TSM-TSOUM) is the name of an operation from which arises the Creation. This initial event would have been started by the Tsm-Tsoum strategy in the letter « Hey » of the alphabet, the movement realized by the energy, the Yod. This operation comes true at the moment coded beforehand when « Hey », in the feminine part experiences the emotion to be lifelessly. The fact of granting her activates the Creation. This act is recorded in the structure under the shape of the point which is at the heart of the Bet in Bereschit. This point represents the breakthrough of the divine energy which continues to pass in the reality.
An explanation of Tsim Tsoum in the book:
The Indian cinema indeed staged the kabbalistic concept in a movie.
Http:// / crbst_35.html
To know more about it:
See the movie, on DVD : Charms and splendors of the Hebrew Alphabet

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